Vinzenz, raiguard

Vinzenz, raiguard

29 Dec


Another year has come to an end, from all of us here we wish you good fortune in the year to come.

Mod portal recap 2023Vinzenz

Hey it's the end of 2023 and surprise surprise we're still counting mod downloads. While most of those downloads are via the built-in mod manager, some of you like to automate your Factorio installs with download scripts or Docker containers.

Some of them crash when updating their mods, then restart, download all the mods again, crash, restart and after a short while it's very likely that the Factorio auth server starts ignoring the download script. So maybe this festive season is the time you'll remember your poor mini-PC sitting in a forgotten closet, mindlessly downloading 'Power Armor MK3' over and over again.

In 2023 we had:

  • 676 651 engineers downloading 44 954 072 mods.
  • 2 043 new mods and 7 832 mod updates...
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